"pseudo-silkscreening for pennies!"
Wednesday, August 26th, from 4:00pm until 6pm at Monastiraki
Perhaps like me you've always been intrigued by the art of silkscreening but couldn't bring yourself to invest the necessary time, space and money. Still, you dream of making your own graphic shirts. You still have hankerings of personalizing your own pillowcases. You long for pants like no one else....
This workshop will introduce you to the easy wonders of freezer paper stenciling. Learn how to make a professional looking transfer image that will withstand repeated washings and envious looks for a fraction of the price of silkscreening. Make your own design, or waffle through the selection of images and lettering that will be provided at the workshop to make your own original design!
Please register beforehand in order to make sure enough supplies are gathered.
You can register online (yesmonastiraki AT gmail DOT com) or come and see us at Monastiraki and register in person!
Please note that registration closes two days before each workshop (Monday, August 24th, 2009).
All ages! Cost is $6 for adults / $3 for children.
Everything required to make your stencils as well as transferring your images will be provided (variety of silkscreening paint colours, brushes, pieces of cloth on which to practice). Snacks and iced tea will also be provided (feel free to bring your own cup!)
Workshop given by Elly Abramovitch
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