we are so pleased to host our new friends from ottawa !
"La Petite Mort invades Le Petit Monastere"
Gallery Swap/ One Month Exhibit
October 2 - 31, 2010
Vernissage Saturday October 2 / 6-10 PM
Tunes by 'Some-Sort-of-Stereo-Equip
Proudly sponsored by CKCU 93.1 FM Ottawa
- Dave Cooper
- Hayden Menzies
-Martin Ouellette
- Vince Beauchemin
- Peter Shmelzer
- Naiko Tcherno-Ivanenko
- Pat Thompson
- Scooter Laforge
- Matthew Dayler
- Zachari Logan
- Graham Robinson
- Theo Pelmus
- Jeremiah Degranpre
- Melanie Garcia
- Juan Carlos Noria
- Dietrich Roesteck
- Paul Sharp
- Herman Ruhland
- Matthew Stradling
- Adam Ansell
THE NAME: "The little death," that gorgeous moment that juxtaposes suspense, tension and relief just after the release of a really good orgasm.
" Guy Bérubé's vision for La Petite Mort is truly - and perhaps surprisingly, given the gallery's name - a vision of social ethics. He sees the artist's struggle with self-awareness through visual art reflected back to the viewer not as passive recipient but as active participant in the creative endeavour. A signature feature of LPM is the feeling of discomfort many of the artworks evoke, which, as is the goal of subversive art, reflects the viewer's personal projections back upon herself. This discomfort is a necessary part of Bérubé's aesthetic and ethical sensibility. It recognizes the role of art in alienation and in critical transformation, for cultural progress is usually provoked by the ideas invoked at the boundaries of our communities. LPM artists represent subjects at the margins of contemporary Canadian urban society - the sublime as well as the homeless and the schizophrenic - no different than most mainstream art since the post-Renaissance period. Not here to shock nor to entertain, however, M. Bérubé as LPM gallery owner and director is here to provide an inclusive forum for today's Canadian artists, including those typically sidelined by mainstream society and those simply unable to function normally within it. LPM gives the Canadian visual arts community an edge that not only gives art a vehicle for its traditional cultural role, but is acknowledged for giving Canadian Art that edge that contributes to its recognition on the world stage". - PENTHOUSE Magazine, 2009