Monday, December 31, 2012
Sunday, December 16, 2012
We are open all week
We will be open at 12:00 every day, from Monday the 17th through Sunday the 23rd for Christmas shopping.
Browse for prints by one our many Montreal artists, and have a look at our beautiful vintage glassware, framed vintage prints, wool blankets, and of course all the fun and weird objects we have gathered from near and far.
See you soon !
Thursday, November 22, 2012
We made it into Martha Stewart
What a treat to find ourselves listed among great company & neighbours, in Martha Stewart's magazine and online blog Whole Living. 10 Reasons to Love Montreal includes the restaurant Lawrence, and Camilla Wynne Ingr's Preservation Society Preserves, who both make things we love to eat, and Galerie CO, a shop full of excellent furniture and objects just down the street.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Jamie Q - The Possibilities Are Endless
FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 5:00PM - 7:00PM
Monastiraki presents an exhibition of new screenprints by Jamie Q derived from images in the artist's new book, THE POSSIBILITIES ARE ENDLESS.
Monastiraki - Le Petit Monastère
5478 St-Laurent, Montreal
THE POSSIBILITIES ARE ENDLESS is published by the McIntosh Gallery Curatorial Study Centre, October 2012. $15, edition of 500, 32 pages, full colour with gold spot, singer sewn binding, 6.5″ x 8.75″
The book is also available online at
Jamie Q has self-published zines and art books for the past ten years as part of a studio practice that also includes painting, drawing, printmaking, and sculpture. They are interested in the social potential of art objects and DIY distribution strategies, and in publication as “the creation of a public.” THE POSSIBILITIES ARE ENDLESS is their first book produced in collaboration with a publisher. Jamie Q holds a BFA from the Alberta College of Art & Design (2002) and an MFA from Western University (2010). Originally from Edmonton, via Calgary and Montreal, they currently live and work in London, Ontario.
Monastiraki présente une exposition de nouvelles sérigraphies par Jamie Q, provenant du livre récemment publié de l’artiste THE POSSIBILITIES ARE ENDLESS.
Jamie Q a créé les œuvres artistiques pour ce live à travers un processus ouvert et libre. Le résultat pourrait être décrit comme un témoignage visuel d’expériences, de choses imaginées et de décisions. Les possibilités n’ont pas de limites, et elles sont aussi imprévisibles. En tant qu’échantillonnage de ces possibilités, ce travail artistique pointe vers le monde extérieur : vers l’inconnu, vers ce qui pourrait être, et vers ce qui est à venir.
L’artiste Jamie Q de London, Ontario, a publié indépendamment des fanzines et des livres d’art au cours des dix dernières années, en tant qu’éléments de sa pratique studio qui inclue également des peintures, des dessins, des imprimés et de la sculpture. THE POSSIBILITIES ARE ENDLESS est leur premier livre produit en collaboration avec l’éditeur. Jamie Q est diplômé du Collège d’art et de design de l’Alberta (BFA, 2002) et a obtenu un MFA de l’Université Western (2010).
Friday, October 19, 2012
A Monastirakian Inforg
a monastirakian inforg
Check out his endless talent @
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
The strange and wonderful drawings of CARRIE WALKER
(English follows)
Communiqué de l’artiste
Le présent projet est une élaboration d’un projet commencé il y a un certain nombre d’années, comprenant un mince et vieux carnet de dessins trouvé dans un magasin usagé. Les pages du carnet étaient couvertes de paysages délavés incluant des montagnes, des arbres et des rivières, des moulins à vent et oiseaux perchés sur les branches. Sans considération pour le plausible, j’ai dessiné des animaux sur les scènes pittoresques : un faucon perché, ailes écartées, sur le pont d’un village; un mouflon près d’un cabine dont il a aussi la taille.
J’ai débuté une collection davantage axée sur les dessins. Je me suis imposée les contraintes suivantes: je ne collectionnerais que les paysages à la mine et à l’aquarelle, je ne débourserais pas plus de 25$ par oeuvre artistique, et l’artiste, ne serait plus, au meilleure de mes connaissances, encore vivant. Depuis, j’ai amassé des oeuvres datant du milieu des années 1800 jusqu’au début des années ’70 au 20ème siècle.
Poursuivant le même procédé, je me retrouve devant un monde en changements où les animaux règnent et président. Ils sont agrandis et pas tant rejetés de leurs environnements naturels que s’introduisant dans le nôtre.
Carrie Walker lives and works in Vancouver, Canada. Since 2001 she has exhibited her drawings in New York, London, Los Angeles and Vancouver. Her art practice is strongly rooted in drawing, often employing images of animals as metaphors to explore notions of solitude and displacement. Humour and playfulness are vital elements in her work.
Artist Statement
This project is an elaboration on a project I began a number of years ago involving a skinny, old sketchbook purchased in a thrift store. Its pages were filled with faint landscapes of mountains, trees and streams, windmills, and birds on branches. I started drawing animals into the scenes - a falcon perched, wings outspread, on a bridge over a small town; a bighorn sheep the size of the cabin it stands beside.
I began collecting more drawings with the following restrictions: I would collect only landscapes in pencil and watercolour, I wouldn’t pay more than $25 dollars for a single artwork, and the artist would to the best of my knowledge no longer be living. I’ve since collected work dating from the mid 1800’s through to the early 1970’s.
Continuing the same process, adding fauna to found environments, I find a world developing wherein the animals have taken over. They are oversized and not so much ousted from their natural environment as quietly infringing upon ours.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
SCHOOL PWYC - Kevin Lo on Graphic design & Activism
Teachers talking about subjects they like talking about.
Students paying what they can.
Class # 4 Kevin Lo
Topic: Graphic Design And Activism
Kevin Lo will present an cynical/idealist talk about strategies and tactics of graphic design specifically, and communications practices more generally, as tools for community building in opposition to the hegemony of neoliberal capitalism. Sprinkled in will be an obsession for typography and language arts.
Kevin Yuen Kit Lo is a Montreal-based freelance art director and graphic designer. He has previously worked at the agencies Sid Lee, Bluesponge and Cossette, and currently teaches in the Design and Computation Arts department at Concordia University. He runs an independent design and communications consulting practice under the name of LOKi design, specialising in work within the cultural sphere. He publishes the zine Four Minutes to Midnight, exploring the intersections of typography, poetics and politics.
Thursday September 27th
7 - 9 pm
Class starts at 7:30, with breaks
Paper and pencils for taking notes is provided
Bring your own refreshments!
Join us! And remember, this is a pay-what-you-can-event. Everyone is welcome.
For updates on coming classes, check our most recent posts, or call us at 514-278-4879.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
De nouveaux cours commencent le Samedi 13 Octobre
*Avis d'annulation!
Notre cours d'art pour des enfants, de 2 à 4 yrs, les samedis matin au cours de l'automne, sont annulés.
Yes we offer crafty art classes
for your little ones !
Sessions last 4 weeks
*Saturday mornings 10:30 - 11:30 is for 2 - 4 yr olds with a parent
Pre-registration is preferred to secure a spot.
Drops-in $18 / class, if space is available.
*Notice of Cancellation!
Our art course for children between the ages of 2 - 4 yrs, on Saturday mornings during the Autumn, has been cancelled.
Check online or give us a call for future dates.
Call for more information 514 278-4879
Friday, September 14, 2012
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
SCHOOL PWYC - Michael Nardone
Teachers talking about subjects they like talking about.Students paying what they can.
Class # 3 Michael Nardone
Topic: On Sonic Disobedience
Thursday September 13th
7 - 9 pm
Class starts at 7:30, with breaks
Paper and pencils for taking notes is provided
Bring your own refreshments!
Join us! And remember, this is a pay-what-you-can-event. Everyone is welcome.
For updates on coming classes, check our most recent posts, or call us at 514-278-4879.
Thursday, September 06, 2012
Founded in 1998 Monastiraki is an art space & curiosity shop. We carry fine prints, art and gig posters, small press and zines by some of Montreal's most unique artists. We host monthly exhibits, poetry readings, book launches and micro-concerts, overflow with paper ephemera, have a fitful relationship with antiques and collectibles....and are a magical place sure to enchant the curious.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
vernissage vendredi 7 septembre
19h - 22h
expo 7 - 30 septembre 2012
Simon: Je suis un imprimeur, dessinateur, éditeur qui évolue sous le nom de Mille Putois et j'aime travailler avec et pour d'autres artistes.
Le temps d'une exposition chez Monastiraki je présente des dessins choisis, retrouvés et récents, de mon cru.
Simon Bossé is a printer, cartoonist, illustrator and publisher evolving under the banner of Mille Putois. He enjoys working
with and for other artists.
Drawings recent and rediscovered have been pulled from the artists archive for this exhibit.
Monastiraki is very pleased to present this local legend and friend.
Wednesday, August 08, 2012
SCHOOL PWYC : Bryan Sentes
Teachers talking about subjects they like talking about.
Students paying what they can.
Class # 3 Michael Nardone
Topic: On Sonic Disobedience
Thursday September 13th
7 - 9 pm
Class starts at 7:30, with breaks
Paper and pencils for taking notes is provided
Bring your own refreshments!
Join us! And remember, this is a pay-what-you-can-event. Everyone is welcome.
For updates on coming classes, check our most recent posts, or call us at 514-278-4879.
Join us! And remember, this is a pay-what-you-can-event. Everyone is welcome.
For updates on coming classes, check our most recent posts, or call us at 514-278-4879.
Saturday, August 04, 2012
New Summer Stock
Below is our new Art Catalogues & Magazines section. There are some beauties in there.....
and finally....our new storage door! Copied faithfully from a picture of an old folk-art door I found online...
Wednesday, August 01, 2012
Jonathan Petersen - Crawling Reality
“Crawling Reality” est un échantillonnage de sculptures sur bois et dessins narratifs, inspirés par des occurrences de rêves et d’éveil. Jonathan Petersen vient de la côte Ouest et travaille en tant qu’artiste depuis 15 ans.
"Crawling Reality" is a sampling of narrative drawings and wood carvings inspired by dreams and waking occurrences.
Jonathan Petersen is from the west coast and has been working as an artist for 15 years.
1 - 31 août 2012
Vernissage mercredi 1 août, 19h - 22h
SCHOOL is on!
Thursday August 9th
7 - 9 pm
Class starts at 7:30, with breaks
Paper and pencils for taking notes is provided
Bring your own refreshments!
Bryan Sentes will be instructing this, our 2nd class of SCHOOL PWYC. Brian is a poet, writer, reviewer, scholar, and teacher of English literature and composition at Dawson College and creative writing at Concordia University.
Topic: TBA!
Call us for more information
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Teachers talking about subjects they like talking about.
Students paying what they can.
Thursdays from 7:00 - 9:00 pm , with breaks.
check our posts for updates on coming classes.
First class:
Thursday July 26, 2012
Instructor Dana Bath, instructor of English literature at Dawson Collage, asks:
Are schools teaching literature all wrong? ...should studying literature be core curriculum for everyone at college?
Join us! And remember, this is a pay-what-you-can-event. Everyone is welcome.
Friday, June 01, 2012
Occult Contemporary
Marie-Claude Bouthillier
Jean-Michel Leclerc
Billy Mavreas
Lauren Nurse
EXPOSITION: 1er juin au 15 juillet, 2012
VERNISSAGE: 1er juin de 19h a 22h
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Andrew Suknaski Memorial Reading
To celebrate and honour his contribution to our poetry, local poets
Mary di Michele
Erin Moure
Norman Nawrocki (virtually!)
Bryan Sentes
and others will read from his work and say a few words in his honour. Join us in celebrating the memory and poetry of Andy Suknaski.
Sunday, May 20, 3pm -5pm, 2012
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Friday, March 16, 2012
Mary Lou Freel - April 2012

Nous sommes très fiers et emballés de vous présenter, en Avril, une expo des tapisseries surprenantes et surréalistes de Mary Lou Freel. Diplômée de Concordia dans les années 80, Mary Lou a été prolifique, faisant des broderies et tapisseries, des peintures, des sculptures et des livres-oeuvres, depuis 30 ans. Couvrant des thèmes variés, depuis les batailles historiques jusqu’aux mondes fantastiques et alchimistes, chaque tapisserie est remplie d’imagerie et de sens emboîtés pour faire une histoire. Plusieurs de ses oeuvres font partie de plus grandes séries et sont accompagnées d’oeuvres en format livre. Ainsi, les projets deviennent des installations sculpturales et multi-dimensionnelles.
Il s’agit dun plaisir absolu que celui de savourer le résultat du travail de quelqun qui s’implique si entièrement dans son oeuvre. Nous vous invitons à venir en profiter vous aussi pendant son exposition, du 12 avril au 13 mai 2012.
Joignez-vous à nous pour le Vernissage de Mary Lou, le jeudi 12 avril, de 19h-21h.
Mary Lou Freel : Je suis artiste en textile qui utilise pour la tapisserie une méthode unique qui produit une surface riche. J’expose la moitié du dessin et des couleurs par la manipulation de l’aiguille en-dessous et sur la surface de la toile, ce qui ressemble à du tissage. J’aime l’imaginaire dans le choix des caractères et leurs actions. Beaucoup des sujets sont des formes représentant l’énergie du cosmos qui me mène à l’exploration nouvelle dans mes techniques. Aussi je travaille depuis trente années avec divers types des fils.
Pour la peinture, j’emploie des matériaux industriels qui ont l’apparence du feutre – aussi le caoutchouc – plutôt que des supports traditionelles, préférant ma propre peinture et l’appliquer avec autre chose comme une brosse.
Néé aux chutes du Niagara, 1943, Mary Lou Freel réside à Westmount depuis 2009. Elle a une formation universitaire en Arts visuels (BFA, Concordia, 1988)). Elle a participé à plusieurs expositions individuelles et collectives à Toronto et à Montréal. Elle est membre de Diagonale et Torontoartscape. Aussi elle est propriétaire de Plastic Press.
This April we are very proud and excited to be showing the incredible, surreal tapestries of Mary Lou Freel. A graduate of Concordia from the 80's, Mary Lou has been prolific, making embroideries and tapestries, paintings, sculptures and book works for 30 years. Spanning ...themes from historical battles to the fantastical and the alchemical, each tapestry is replete with imagery and layers of story. Many are a part of larger series and have accompanying book works, so that the projects become sculptural and multi-dimensional installations.
It is an absolute pleasure to enjoy the product of someone who so totally involves themselves in their work. We invite you to do so during her exhibition, from April 12 - May 13, 2012.
Please join us for her Vernissage - Thursday April 12, 19h - 21h
Mary Lou Freel : My intention in tapestry is to produce a rich surface by using a unique method. I construct the canvas by underpainting the imagery, then weaving any type of thread in and out of the support with a needle exposing the half tone underneath. Actually you get a warp and weft effect with just the needle. I first work out the overall design/composition in my mind’s eye, then I fantasize through the characters, groupings, actions. It grows organically like a child – figure to figure, scene to scene, section to section. Themes vary from the energy forms of cosmology to genre Renaissance subjects. I conceive the ideas ahead interspersed with experiments in technique.
In painting, I search out unconventional supports rather than traditional canvas but sometimes find unusual board. I prefer making my own paint and applying it with something other than a brush.
Born in Niagara Falls, 1943., Mary Lou Freel has been living in Westmount since 2009. She has a BFA from Concordia, 1988 and has had many individual shows and participated in group shows in both Toronto and Montreal. She is also a member of Diagonale and Torontoartscape. Her current project is Plastic Press (private press books).
Sunday, March 04, 2012
Monastiraki on ARTMATTERS Art Walk !

Art Matters 2012 will be having an 'off-site' series of performances and exhibitions here in the Mile End. The beautiful work of Trevor Wheatley will be gracing the back wall of our building as a part of this. Perfect viewing for alley walks !
We will also be having a series of artists talks here on Sunday March 11th. They are free....feel free to drop in. 3 - 5 pm.
Trevor Wheatley:
Art Matters:
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
David Lafrance - Vieux voyage

We are very pleased to be exhibiting the striking wood sculpture of David Lafrance.
Described by the artist as "countryside formal heraldry - collection of bottles, wild life, souvenirs," these charming objects situated between the real and the slightly less real evoke endless evenings and haunted forest fugue states.
Vernissage Friday March 3, 7 - 10pm
Exhibit runs the month of March 2012
Saturday, February 25, 2012

Encore de la fabrication d’art pour Enfants! Notre prochaine série de classes approche.
Les classes se déroulent du 10 mars au 1er avril.
Samedi matins 10:30-11:30 est pour les 2 à 4 ans avec un parent
Dimanche matin 10:30-11:30 est pour les 5 à 8 ans (non accompagnés)
60$ et tout les matériaux inclus.
Un pré enregistrement est préféré afin de réserver une place.
Sans réservation 18$/classe, s’il ya des places de libres
**Garde l’oeil ouvert pour nos classes du printemps, qui commenceront en avril.
Prenez note aussi que nous travaillons à offrir prochainement une classe pour les enfants un peu plus âgés..Restez à l’affût.

More art-making for Kids! Our next round of classes are coming up.
Classes run from March 10th - April 1st.
Saturday mornings 10:30 - 11:30 is for 2 - 4 yr olds with a parent
Sunday mornings 10:30 - 11:30 is for 5 - 8 yr olds (on their own)
$60 all materials included. Pre-registration is preferred to secure a spot.
Drops-in $18 / class, if space is available.
**Look out for our spring classes, beginning in April.
Please note, we are working towards classes for older kids too...keep your eyes open!
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Nuit Blanche 2012

Sons par/Sounds by Constantine Katsiris:
Friday, January 27, 2012
Popolo Press!

We had a great drop-in the other day from Kiva Stimac of Popolo Press, here in Montreal. She posted an excellent bit about us on her blog: Popolo Press
Kiva has a beautiful print studio that we love to visit her in, where she makes everything from art and rock posters, screen-printed t-shirts, cards, and other paper goods - much of which we carry in the store. Check out her blog - and come by the shop to see her work in person.
Thanks Kiva!
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Jaynus O'Donnell - Look Up Look Down

Expo 3 - 29 Fevrier, 2012
Look Up Look Down is a new collection of work from Montreal artist Jaynus O’Donnell. Her practice uses collage, painting, and installation to examine representations of discovery, exploration and the na...tural world. She regularly works with found paper materials including textbooks, field guides, posters, maps, and encyclopedias.
Jaynus received her BFA from the University of British Columbia and her MA from Concordia University. She has lived and worked in Montreal for the past six years. Her work has been shown in artist-run centres and galleries throughout Canada and the U.S.
She is currently fixated on outer space and soup.
Regarde le Ciel/Regarde la Terre est une nouvelle collection de l'oeuvre de l'artiste montréalaise Jaynus O'Donnell. Sa pratique utilise le collage, la peinture et l'installation pour examiner des représentations de la découverte, de l’exploration et du monde naturel. Elle travaille régulièrement avec des matériaux trouvés de papier, incluant des manuels, des guides de terrain, des affiches, des cartes géographiques et des encyclopédies.
Jaynus a obtenu son Diplôme des Beaux-Arts à l'Université de la Colombie-Britannique et sa Maîtrise en Arts à l’Université Concordia. Elle habite et travaille à Montréal depuis 6 ans. Son oeuvre a été présentée dans des centres gérés par des artistes et dans des galeries à travers le Canada et les États-Unis. En ce moment, elle est fixée sur l'espace intersidéral et la soupe.
Thursday, January 05, 2012

Hey folks!
Based on the success of our kids crafts afternoons the last 2 years, we would like to offer 4-week Art & Crafts classes for kids during January & February.
Classes will run from January 14th - February 5th. Come warm up with us and make some art!
Saturday mornings 10:30 - 11:30 is for 2 - 4 yr olds with a parent
Sunday mornings 10:30 - 11:30 is for 5 - 8 yr olds (on their own)
$60 all materials included.
Space is limited so call us or drop in to pre-register!