Tuesday, August 31, 2021
Monastiraki 5478 Saint Laurent 1998 - 2021
Friday, August 20, 2021
Thursday, April 22, 2021
Monday, November 30, 2020
Monday, November 09, 2020
Monday, September 21, 2020
Following some personal talks and lots of soul searching, this is the first foray into a public announcement regarding the future of Monastiraki - Le Petit Monastère
As with so many of us, this pandemic has shifted mine and my families needs and priorities. Many of you know, due to my ceaseless ranting over the years, that my relationship to retail has been spotty at best.
Well, I've received some clarity lately.
We've decided to put the family building up for sale and so Monastiraki will be transitioning off the Main and out of Mile-End.
This process may take several months if not a full year.
Wherever we go, some form of this mutating gallery and archive will invariably come with us. Right now we don't know where that next location will be. What we do know is that we've decided to liquidate at least 85% of our collection of stock and furnishings.
Remaining store hours will be sporadic and intermittent. Online sales will continue casually.
We are very excited about this change and are looking forward to the next physical manifestation of this project!
So, if you like this crazy thing we've been steering for twenty plus years now you may want to make an appointment and take something home with you.
This has been a difficult decision and one that will impact us and those close to us. Thanks to so many of you who have been awesome supporters, collaborators and friends of Monastiraki. We will keep an online presence and keep you posted of our news.
Thanks and much love,
Billy & Emilie
Après quelques entretiens personnels et de nombreuses introspections, voici la première incursion dans une annonce publique concernant l'avenir de Monastiraki - Le Petit Monastère
Comme pour beaucoup d'entre nous, cette pandémie a modifié mes besoins et mes priorités ainsi que ceux de ma famille. Beaucoup d'entre vous savent, en raison de mes vociférations incessantes au fil des ans, que ma relation avec le commerce de détail a été, au mieux, irrégulière.
Ces derniers temps, j'ai reçu des éclaircissements.
Nous avons décidé de mettre le bâtiment familial en vente et Monastiraki va donc quitter le Main et quitter le Mile-End.
Ce processus peut prendre plusieurs mois, voire une année entière.
Où que nous allions, une forme quelconque de cette galerie et de ces archives en mutation nous accompagnera invariablement. Pour l'instant, nous ne savons pas où se trouvera le prochain emplacement. Ce que nous savons, c'est que nous avons décidé de liquider au moins 85 % de notre collection de matériel et de mobilier.
Les heures d'ouverture restantes des magasins seront sporadiques et intermittentes. Les ventes en ligne se poursuivront de manière occasionnelle.
Nous sommes très heureux de ce changement et nous attendons avec impatience la prochaine manifestation physique de ce projet !
Donc, si vous aimez ce truc fou que nous pilotons depuis plus de vingt ans maintenant, vous voudrez peut-être prendre rendez-vous et emporter quelque chose chez vous.
Cette décision a été difficile à prendre et elle aura un impact sur nous et nos proches. Merci à tous ceux d'entre vous qui ont été de formidables supporters, collaborateurs et amis de Monastiraki. Nous resterons présents en ligne et vous tiendrons au courant de nos nouvelles.
Merci et beaucoup d'amour,
Billy & Emilie
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Sunday, July 12, 2020
Monastiraki in your mailbox!
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Tuesday, April 07, 2020
Tuesday, March 24, 2020
Hello friends of Monastiraki
Some folks have kindly asked how they can help us out during this period of lockdown.
We understand that money right now is precious for everyone and although we may not provide an essential service for the body, the soul may have something to say about that.
For those who are able, we'd like to remind everyone that Monastiraki gift certificates of any amount are available via e-transfer.
International friends, our paypal is down for the time being, sorry about that and thank you for your support in advance.
Contact us at yesmonastiraki at gmail dot calm and tell us what you're thinking. We'll whip up an artsy personalized gift card, snap a pic of it and send it to you. Bring it in when things calm down and doors reopen and we'll honour your purchase, be it an original bunny painting, local print or zine work or a delicious array of weird paper scraps.
Thanks so much,
Stay safe & stay home.
Billy & Emilie
Bonjour amis de Monastiraki
Certaines personnes ont gentiment demandé comment elles pouvaient nous aider pendant cette période de fermeture.
Nous comprenons que l'argent, en ce moment, est précieux pour tout le monde et même si nous ne fournissons pas un service essentiel pour le corps, l'âme peut avoir son mot à dire à ce sujet.
Pour ceux qui le peuvent, nous aimerions rappeler à tous que les chèques-cadeaux Monastiraki, quel que soit leur montant, sont disponibles par transfert électronique.
Amis internationaux, notre paypal est en panne pour le moment, désolé pour cela et merci d'avance pour votre soutien.
Contactez-nous à yesmonastiraki a gmail dot calme et dites-nous ce que vous en pensez. Nous vous préparerons une carte-cadeau personnalisée, nous en prendrons une photo et nous vous l'enverrons. Apportez-la quand les choses se calmeront et que les portes s'ouvriront à nouveau et nous honorerons votre achat, qu'il s'agisse d'une peinture bunny, d'une impression ou d'un zine local ou d'un délicieux ensemble de chutes de papier bizarres.
Merci beaucoup,
Restez en sécurité et restez chez vous.
Billy & Emilie
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Sunday, March 15, 2020
Saturday, February 29, 2020
ART NOMADE chez Monastiraki
Art Nomade débarque au Monastiraki, le petit Monastère
Exposition Underwater-Undersea-Undersee
Vernissage 5 mars 2020, 6-9 pm
expo : du 5 au 29 mars
Cette exposition composée de quarante petits tableaux sur bois s'inscrit dans la mythologie du
mouvement, du déplacement et de l'espace chère au duo
L'espace aquatique comme lieu de l'imaginaire, l'eau élément du mouvement, de l'espace intuitif, du
mystère, de ce qui existe sans être directement percu par les sens coutumiés, de ce qui réside dans la
profondeur de l'onde, abordant le féminin sacré au passage
En explorant l'indécouvert, l'insondé, effleurant de l'esprit le self-care de la nature dans les étendues sous-
marines, ce qui échappe au matérialisme, sous la surface, loin des radars, portés par/issus de cette magie
blanche quotidienne les petits tableaux se révèlent
Portés par l'humour philosophe, les idéaux romantiques, et l'inclusivité, modernes et contemporains,
les tableaux sont de petites embarcations, pour le coeur et l'esprit.
Les expositions d'Art Nomade sont toujours des invitations à l'expérience poétique, au voyage de nuit, de
jour, par terre et mer, au creux de la paume/ au coeur de l'intime universel/ au rythme du vivant
Saturday, February 15, 2020
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Moody Jooly Smoke Shop MTL pop-up Jan 25 !
Julia Mroczek is an artist and industrial designer based in Toronto, and the founder of Moody Jooly Smoke Shop, a ceramics project aiming to bring ritual, comfort, and charm to our smoking practises. Having studied engineering and worked on projects in publishing and craft, Julia’s pieces are as much functional tools as they are decorative talismans for a modern home.
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Wednesday, December 04, 2019
Spirodon Zine Launch
5 à 7, spirodon zine launch
Thursday, Dec. 5
Monastiraki - Le Petit Monastère !
a zine launch of the latest spirodon zine by Stefan Christoff.
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Lancement NothingTo See Here de Howard Chackowicz
Thursday November 28, 2019
7-9 pm
Come on down to the official solo launch of Howard Chackowicz's new book of gag cartoons and illustrations: "NOTHING TO SEE HERE" by conundrum press !
Howard is even going to face one of his biggest fears and perform a few songs with guitar... come witness the flop sweat live!
Friday, October 18, 2019
Lancement de BD Plummet de Sherwin Tjia !
Come celebrate the launch of PLUMMET, a new graphic novel by Sherwin Tjia, published by Conundrum Press!
When Amelia “Mel” Eichenwald wakes up one
morning from a dream where she’d been falling, she finds
herself actually falling – but in endless freefall towards an
Earth that is no longer there, and surrounded by the junk of human existence. From high heels to houses, billions of random items drop alongside her like fallout from an exploded mall.
Soon she discovers that she’s not alone. Others have been similarly plucked out of their lives and dropped off in mid-air. But why? For what purpose? And more importantly, and more pressing – what is she going to eat? Where can she safely sleep?
Plummet follows Mel as she attempts to survive and thrive, find allies, and negotiate being predator or prey. What makes
us human and what keeps us human? How do you take a
stand when there’s literally no place to sit? What happens
when the end of the world removes it entirely?
With Plummet, Montreal-based writer and artist Sherwin
Sullivan Tjia explores a stunning new dimension in a graphic novel that’s part fable, part post-apocalypse. After the success
of their graphic novel debut, The Hipless Boy, nominated
for a Doug Wright Award and four Ignatz Awards, Plummet will plunge you into a high-flying and hypnotic blend of
Heaven, Hell and high water.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
5478 St Laurent Blvd, Montreal, Quebec
(just south of St-Viateur, on the west side)
7 - 9 PM
There will be mingling, a little powerpoint presentation about the creation of the book, signings, and also some assorted refreshments. All this ensconced in the most charming curiousity shop in the city.
Monday, September 23, 2019
Monday, September 16, 2019
Wednesday, September 04, 2019
Sunday, August 04, 2019
Friday, July 12, 2019
Jon Estwards - Polaroid Show
Jon Estwards is a multidisciplinary artist who creates an alternate reality on Polaroids and 35mm film that merges the natural world with otherworldy imagery. By incorporating original creations and found objects, he uses experimental photography techniques and stages scenes featuring ethereal characters, ambiguous objects and surreal environments.
Hundreds of Polaroids will be on display as well as prints and originals for sale
Vernissage, Thursday July 18, 6 - 9 pm
Exhibit continues throughout July 2019

Thursday, May 23, 2019
New Drawing Billy Mavreas
I have made 12 new drawings, larger than usual, 20 x 26 inches. Mixed media.
You know when you go to a friend or relatives house and they have this jar full of pens and pencils and markers and half of them are dead and you test each one out to see if they work and then you make a drawing out of those tests? Well this is like that.
Thursday 30 May, from 6 until 9 pm
Monday, April 29, 2019
CHICKEN RISING Graphic Novel Book Launch!!
D.Boyd launches her new Conundrum Press graphic novel, Chicken Rising!
Wednesday May 1, 2019, 7-9 pm
A bittersweet, darkly funny graphic
memoir of a social misfit
D. Boyd takes an unflinching look back at a 1970s childhood plagued by insecurity, bullying, and family dysfunction.
About D. Boyd
First-time author D. Boyd is a self-taught cartoonist originally from Saint John, New Brunswick. After working in advertising for twenty years in Nova Scotia, and pursuing filmmaking, she moved to Montreal and reignited her love of illustrating, writing, and especially, comics. Her earlier work is posted on http://www.pastureoflove.com